I am here
Since last winter, I had been making photographs of sunlight streaming into my home, with a vague aim of adding words to them whenever they came. Four months into this casual practice, there was no sign of words. Not one for forcing them unless absolutely necessary, I didn’t pay much heed. However, the perfect nudge came in the form of Anurag Banerjee hosting a giveaway for his stunning photobook I Am Not Here, with a prompt to explore what home means to us. As I started compiling to enter the competition, putting together pieces from bits and scraps of poetry I had written here and there, words came — some even written back in 2020, when I first started meditating on the topic.
Home, space, and light are concepts I continue to engage with on a regular basis. How we occupy them and they, us, constantly intrigues me. Here is a manifestation of it, which I know is the first of many. I sincerely hope you enjoy it.